速報APP / 生活品味 / Astrology Prime - Horoscope & Numerology

Astrology Prime - Horoscope & Numerology





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:53 Kingsley Road, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW3 1QB

Astrology Prime - Horoscope & Numerology Readings.(圖1)-速報App

Get all your accurate forecasts on Astrology Prime.

Key Features–

• Astrology Prime provides you customised horoscopes.

• You can get your natal chart here

• It will tell you love compatibility as well as love score

• Predictions for the year 2017 and year 2018

• Know about your Numerology Compatibility

• Get your Karma Report

Astrology Prime - Horoscope & Numerology Readings.(圖2)-速報App

• Know what how Karma effects your love life with our Karma Love Report

• Get your Chinese Horoscope.

• You will get your Vedic Horoscope here

• It is easy to use, and free download is available.

About Astrology Prime

Astrology Prime focuses at bringing to you, your most authentic forecasts. It provides you the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly horoscopes. Our horoscopes are structured to give you insight into your future.

Our group of astrologers, try their level best to provide you the most accurate forecast, they are always at your service, in case you have any queries related to your family, career, health, love life etc.

This app gives all the information related to your future, it also tells you about the dos and don’ts, that you must follow to lead a healthy and happy life.

Astrology Prime - Horoscope & Numerology Readings.(圖3)-速報App

We don’t preach what we cannot practice, that’s the reason we focus on giving you clear and cut to cut information about the requested details as we as suggestion and recommendation, if required.

We exclusively focus on everyone, who visits our app and we try to make then understand the art of astrology, horoscope and karma in a clearer way.

Astrology Prime’s app talks about various Zodiac Signs, their features and how it affects the life of an individual. It also tells you about the positioning of all the planets in different houses and it will also give you information about the 12-month transits and how it influences your life.

Visit Us For

• Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly forecasts.

• Western, Vedic and Chinese Horoscopes

• Karma Report and Karma Love Report

• Love Report and Love Compatibility

Astrology Prime - Horoscope & Numerology Readings.(圖4)-速報App

• Numerology Compatibility

We hope you found the above-mentioned details informative, so don’t forget to visit and download our app.

Astrology Prime - Horoscope & Numerology Readings.(圖5)-速報App